Sunday, 6 September 2020


Why is there always a feeling like everything is going wrong? why couldn’t we just calm ourselves that everything will be fine? Why is that nothing makes you happy anymore? Why it happens only to me?

It feels like we are being tested so far that can’t handle the pressure anymore and you just want to run from every situation and be happy. But this doesn’t happen, all those negative feelings cross your path again and again and you feel lonely and helpless. This in turns makes you think that there is no one with whom you can actually share your problems with because every person in your life is just busy with their own journey of life.

Sometimes I feel that I really need somebody to hold my hand and say that everything will be okay but in the very second moment, it feels that I’m enough for myself and don’t need anybody to help me. However, my question is why there is so much of confusion in life? When we finally feel that everything is sorted out, but next moment everything just falls apart. In this moment, you are not able to figure out what should be done to make yourself happy about yourself, the work you do, the hobbies you hold, the things you love.

People in this world are so selfish and the only thing they care about is themselves which is correct they should care about themselves but they should also look for people who need them and specially those who don’t ask for help because these kind of people have the most unstable mind.

I feel that having a negative perspective towards life is something that a person should avoid because these thoughts will make your life miserable. However, there is no escape. Even if you constantly try to control your emotions, the way you feel, ultimately you will be in a deep shell. These thoughts make your mind a volcano which will ultimately harm you in one way or the other.

 Its like you have so much to think about but you are not able to focus on one thing. People say that you must struggle every day to achieve more in life, but they don’t know that even if we choose to struggle everyday but at the end of the day everything falls apart again.

The most important question arises in my mind that how to cope up with these struggles? what to do and what not to do? But there are no answers to these questions because it depends person to person, some will walk through the struggle happily while some will go into depression thinking about how life is unfair to them. It is not that they are weak but instead they are not able to balance their emotions and feeling effectively and most importantly about what step should be taken to avoid such situations.

If you ask me, even I don’t have any suggestions to give because what is going on with the other person you really can’t tell just by looking at them. However, one thing I would say that just try to be with that person, because even if they don’t ask you to help them, but just by sitting beside them will make them feel that yes you will be there for them whenever they need you! Be a support system to them and make them smile!

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